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Rebtel : Free Calls to Pakistan | Free Minutes to Pakistan

Rebtel is certainly not new to this blog! So many of our blog readers have been successfully using Rebtel for making cheap and free international calls. Few days back, we posted about Rebtel 100% bonus offer and it is already a big hit. With this offer your effective calling rate gets to 50% lower, calls to India at just 0.9 cent per minute : As you will get 20$ credit on buying $10 credit.
But today we are discussing about another great Rebtel offer : Free Calls to Pakistan.

Rebtel is running a promotion offering free minutes to Pakistan. The best part about this offer is that Free Calls to Pakistan are available for both new and old customers. If you are new to Rebtel, and I would suggest you to make use of Rebtel 100% bonus offer first and then Free Minutes to Pakistan offer. Its a double bonanza for you!

Rebtel has created a pool of 2 million minutes to Pakistan and it is giving them all away to you. For free.

You don't need any voucher code, deposits to avail this offer. Man this is one of the best offers to make Free calls to Pakistan. The Rebtel Free Minutes to Pakistan giveaway will go on until the minutes run out and just to make it fair, Rebtel has limited the calling to 400 minutes per user to make sure as many as possible can get a chance to make use of the giveaway.

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So you get Free 400 Minutes to Pakistan!

For existing users :
If you’ve ever called to Pakistan with Rebtel, or have a contact in your account with a Pakistan number, you don’t have to do anything. Simply call and start talking for free.

For new Users :
1. Sign up with Rebtel.
2. Add a contact in Pakistan
3. Make free calls to Pakistan.

Certainly one of the best offer to make free calls to Pakistan. Sign up with Rebtel and make most use of it!
READ MORE - Rebtel : Free Calls to Pakistan | Free Minutes to Pakistan

WHY BERSIH??? by Patrick Teoh

WHY BERSIH??? by Patrick Teoh
1. Cos the govt has not LISTENED to the people.
2. Cos dead men still vote.
3. Cos I want the ideals Tunku, Razak, Ismail stood for.
4. Cos I want to know how FLOM can afford all those $$$$$$ handbags.
5. Cos I want to love my fellow Malaysians. Not be scared of them.
6. Cos I want to know my voice counts for something in my country.
7. Cos BN n Opposition spend too much time politicking.
8. Cos my little girl asked why we spent millions on a palace when her school don't have a canteen.
9. Cos this is MY country too.
10. and I LOVE my country.
11. Cos I do not wish my children to have to emigrate.
12. Cos NEP still keeps Malay minority rich and Malay majority poor.
13. Cos we pay money for electricty that we don't use.
14. Cos govt subsidises ppl who earn millions.
15. Cos rakyat tighten belts while PM spends millions just keeping house.
16. Cos police can still raid without warrants.
17. Cos LRT systems don't link.
18. Cos Submarine deals pay RM500million commissions.
19. Cos all BN family can be such successful entrepreneurs.
20. Cos submarines don't submerge.
21. Cos Jet engines can be stolen by lowly servicemen.
22. Freedom of assembly is enshrined in the Constitution.
23. Cos Dentists can afford RM6million homes.
24. Cos Govt YBs live way beyond their means.
25. Cos we want to be clean. It's more hygienic.
READ MORE - WHY BERSIH??? by Patrick Teoh

Peristiwa Israk Mikraj Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. – 27 Rejab

1. Sebelum Israk dan Mikraj
Rasulullah S. A. W. mengalami pembedahan dada / perut, dilakukan oleh malaikat Jibrail dan Mika’il. Hati Baginda S. A. W.. dicuci dengan air zamzam, dibuang ketul hitam (‘alaqah) iaitu tempat syaitan membisikkan waswasnya. Kemudian dituangkan hikmat, ilmu, dan iman. ke dalam dada Rasulullah S. A. W. Setelah itu, dadanya dijahit dan dimeterikan dengan “khatimin nubuwwah”. Selesai pembedahan, didatangkan binatang bernama Buraq untuk ditunggangi oleh Rasulullah dalam perjalanan luar biasa yang dinamakan “Israk” itu.
2. Semasa Israk (Perjalanan dari Masjidil-Haram ke Masjidil-Aqsa):
Sepanjang perjalanan (israk) itu Rasulullah S. A. W. diiringi (ditemani) oleh malaikat Jibrail dan Israfil. Tiba di tempat-tempat tertentu (tempat-tempat yang mulia dan bersejarah), Rasulullah telah diarah oleh Jibrail supaya berhenti dan bersembahyang sebanyak dua rakaat. Antara tempat-tempat berkenaan ialah:
i. Negeri Thaibah (Madinah), tempat di mana Rasulullah akan melakukan hijrah. ii. Bukit Tursina, iaitu tempat Nabi Musa A. S. menerima wahyu daripada Allah; iii. Baitul-Laham (tempat Nabi ‘Isa A. S. dilahirkan);
Dalam perjalanan itu juga baginda Rasulullah S. A. W. menghadapi gangguan jin ‘Afrit dengan api jamung dan dapat menyaksikan peristiwa-peristiwa simbolik yang amat ajaib. Antaranya :
- Kaum yang sedang bertanam dan terus menuai hasil tanaman mereka. apabila dituai, hasil (buah) yang baru keluar semula seolah-olah belum lagi dituai. Hal ini berlaku berulang-ulang. Rasulullah S. A. W. dibertahu oleh Jibrail : Itulah kaum yang berjihad “Fisabilillah” yang digandakan pahala kebajikan sebanyak 700 kali ganda bahkan sehingga gandaan yang lebih banyak.
- Tempat yang berbau harum. Rasulullah S. A. W. diberitahu oleh Jibrail : Itulah bau kubur Mayitah (tukang sisir rambut anak Fir’aun) bersama suaminya dan anak-anak-nya (termasuk bayi yang dapat bercakap untuk menguatkan iman ibunya) yang dibunuh oleh Fir’aun kerana tetap teguh beriman kepada Allah (tak mahu mengakui Fir’aun sebagai Tuhan).
- Sekumpulan orang yang sedang memecahkan kepala mereka. Setiap kali dipecahkan, kepala mereka sembuh kembali, lalu dipecahkan pula. Demikian dilakukan berkali-kali. Jibrail memberitahu Rasulullah: Itulah orang-orang yang berat kepala mereka untuk sujud (sembahyang).
- Sekumpulan orang yang hanya menutup kemaluan mereka (qubul dan dubur) dengan secebis kain. Mereka dihalau seperti binatang ternakan. Mereka makan bara api dan batu dari neraka Jahannam. Kata Jibrail : Itulah orang-orang yang tidak mengeluarkan zakat harta mereka.
- Satu kaum, lelaki dan perempuan, yang memakan daging mentah yang busuk sedangkan daging masak ada di sisi mereka. Kata Jibrail: Itulah lelaki dan perempuan yang melakukan zina sedangkan lelaki dan perempuan itu masing-masing mempunyai isteri / suami.
- Lelaki yang berenang dalam sungai darah dan dilontarkan batu. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang makan riba`.
- Lelaki yang menghimpun seberkas kayu dan dia tak terdaya memikulnya, tapi ditambah lagi kayu yang lain. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang tak dapat menunaikan amanah tetapi masih menerima amanah yang lain.
- Satu kaum yang sedang menggunting lidah dan bibir mereka dengan penggunting besi berkali-kali. Setiap kali digunting, lidah dan bibir mereka kembali seperti biasa. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang membuat fitnah dan mengatakan sesuatu yang dia sendiri tidak melakukannya.
- Kaum yang mencakar muka dan dada mereka dengan kuku tembaga mereka. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang memakan daging manusia (mengumpat) dan menjatuhkan maruah (mencela, menghinakan) orang.
- Seekor lembu jantan yang besar keluar dari lubang yang sempit. Tak dapat dimasukinya semula lubang itu. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang bercakap besar (Takabbur). Kemudian menyesal, tapi sudah terlambat.
- Seorang perempuan dengan dulang yang penuh dengan pelbagai perhiasan. Rasulullah tidak memperdulikannya. Kata Jibrail: Itulah dunia. Jika Rasulullah memberi perhatian kepadanya, nescaya umat Islam akan mengutamakan dunia daripada akhirat.
- Seorang perempuan tua duduk di tengah jalan dan menyuruh Rasulullah berhenti. Rasulullah S. A. W. tidak menghiraukannya. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang mensesiakan umurnya sampai ke tua.
- Seorang perempuan bongkok tiga menahan Rasulullah untuk bertanyakan sesuatu. Kata Jibrail: Itulah gambaran umur dunia yang sangat tua dan menanti saat hari kiamat.
Setibanya di masjid Al-Aqsa, Rasulullah turun dari Buraq. Kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid dan mengimamkan sembahyang dua rakaat dengan segala anbia` dan mursalin menjadi makmum.
Rasulullah S. A. W. terasa dahaga, lalu dibawa Jibrail dua bejana yang berisi arak dan susu. Rasulullah memilih susu lalu diminumnya. Kata Jibrail: Baginda membuat pilhan yang betul. Jika arak itu dipilih, nescaya ramai umat baginda akan menjadi sesat.
3. Semasa Mikraj (Naik ke Hadhratul-Qudus Menemui Allah):
Didatangkan Mikraj (tangga) yang indah dari syurga. Rasulullah S. A. W. dan Jibrail naik ke atas tangga pertama lalu terangkat ke pintu langit dunia (pintu Hafzhah).
1. Langit Pertama: Rasulullah S. A. W. dan Jibrail masuk ke langit pertama, lalu berjumpa dengan Nabi Adam A. S. Kemudian dapat melihat orang-orang yang makan riba` dan harta anak yatim dan melihat orang berzina yang rupa dan kelakuan mereka sangat huduh dan buruk. Penzina lelaki bergantung pada susu penzina perempuan.
11. Langit Kedua: Nabi S. A. W. dan Jibrail naik tangga langit yang kedua, lalu masuk dan bertemu dengan Nabi ‘Isa A. S. dan Nabi Yahya A. S.
111. Langit Ketiga: Naik langit ketiga. Bertemu dengan Nabi Yusuf A. S.
1v. Langit Keempat: Naik tangga langit keempat. Bertemu dengan Nabi Idris A. S.
v. Langit Kelima: Naik tangga langit kelima. Bertemu dengan Nabi Harun A. S. yang dikelilingi oleh kaumnya Bani Israil.
v1. Langit Keenam: Naik tangga langit keenam. Bertemu dengan Nabi-Nabi. Seterusnya dengan Nabi Musa A. S. Rasulullah mengangkat kepala (disuruh oleh Jibrail) lalu dapat melihat umat baginda sendiri yang ramai, termasuk 70,000 orang yang masuk syurga tanpa hisab.
v11. Langit Ketujuh: Naik tangga langit ketujuh dan masuk langit ketujuh lalu bertemu dengan Nabi Ibrahim Khalilullah yang sedang bersandar di Baitul-Ma’mur dihadapi oleh beberapa kaumnya. Kepada Rasulullah S. A. W., Nabi Ibrahim A. S. bersabda, “Engkau akan berjumapa dengan Allah pada malam ini. Umatmu adalah akhir umat dan terlalu dha’if, maka berdoalah untuk umatmu. Suruhlah umatmu menanam tanaman syurga iaitu lah HAULA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH”. Mengikut riwayat lain, Nabi Irahim A. S. bersabda, “Sampaikan salamku kepada umatmu dan beritahu mereka, syurga itu baik tanahnya, tawar airnya dan tanamannya ialah lima kalimah, iaitu: SUBHANALLAH, WAL-HAMDULILLAH, WA lah ILAHA ILLALLAH ALLAHU AKBAR dan WA lah HAULA WA lah QUWWATA ILLA BILLAHIL- ‘ALIYYIL-’AZHIM. Bagi orang yang membaca setiap kalimah ini akan ditanamkan sepohon pokok dalam syurga”. Setelah melihat beberapa peristiwa! lain yang ajaib. Rasulullah dan Jibrail masuk ke dalam Baitul-Makmur dan bersembahyang (Baitul-Makmur ini betul-betul di atas Baitullah di Mekah).
11x. Tangga Kelapan: Di sinilah disebut “al-Kursi” yang berbetulan dengan dahan pokok Sidratul-Muntaha. Rasulullah S. A. W. menyaksikan pelbagai keajaiban pada pokok itu: Sungai air yang tak berubah, sungai susu, sungai arak dan sungai madu lebah. Buah, daun-daun, batang dan dahannya berubah-ubah warna dan bertukar menjadi permata-permata yang indah. Unggas-unggas emas berterbangan. Semua keindahan itu tak terperi oleh manusia. Baginda Rasulullah S. A. W. dapat menyaksikan pula sungai Al-Kautsar yang terus masuk ke syurga. Seterusnya baginda masuk ke syurga dan melihat neraka berserta dengan Malik penunggunya.
1x. Tangga Kesembilan: Di sini berbetulan dengan pucuk pokok Sidratul-Muntaha. Rasulullah S. A. W. masuk di dalam nur dan naik ke Mustawa dan Sharirul-Aqlam. Lalu dapat melihat seorang lelaki yang ghaib di dalam nur ‘Arasy, iaitu lelaki di dunia yang lidahnya sering basah berzikir, hatinya tertumpu penuh kepada masjid dan tidak memaki ibu bapanya.
x. Rabbul-Arbab lalu dapat menyaksikan Allah S. W. T. dengan mata kepalanya, lantas sujud. Kemudian berlakulah dialog antara Allah dan Muhammad, Rasul-Nya:
Allah S. W. T : Ya Muhammad. Rasulullah : Labbaika. Allah S. W. T : Angkatlah kepalamu dan bermohonlah, Kami perkenankan. Rasulullah : Ya, Rabb. Engkau telah ambil Ibrahim sebagai Khalil dan Engkau berikan dia kerajaan yang besar. Engkau berkata-kata dengan Musa. Engkau berikan Dawud kerajaan yang besar dan dapat melembutkan besi. Engkau kurniakan kerajaan kepada Sulaiman yang tidak Engkau kurniakan kepada sesiapa pun dan memudahkan Sulaiman menguasai jin, manusia, syaitan dan angin. Engkau ajarkan ‘Isa Taurat dan Injil. Dengan izin-Mu, dia dapat menyembuhkan orang buta, orang sufaq dan menghidupkan orang mati. Engkau lindungi dia dan ibunya daripada syaitan. Allah S. W. T : aku ambilmu sebagai kekasih. Aku perkenankanmu sebagai penyampai berita gembira dan amaran kepada umatmu. Aku buka dadamu dan buangkan dosamu. Aku jadikan umatmu sebaik-baik umat. Aku beri keutamaan dan keistimewaan kepadamu pada hari qiamat. Aku kurniakan tujuh ayat (surah Al-Fatihah) yang tidak aku kurniakan kepada sesiapa sebelummu. Aku berikanmu ayat-ayat di akhir surah al-Baqarah sebagai suatu perbendaharaan di bawah ‘Arasy. Aku berikan habuan daripada kelebihan Islam, hijrah, sedekah dan amar makruf dan nahi munkar. Aku kurniakanmu panji-panji Liwa-ul-hamd, maka Adam dan semua yang lainnya di bawah panji-panjimu. Dan aku fardhukan atasmu dan umatmu lima puluh (waktu) sembahyang.
4. Selesai munajat, Rasulullah S. A. W. di bawa menemui Nabi Ibrahim A. S. kemudian Nabi Musa A. S. yang kemudiannya menyuruh Rasulullah S. A. W. merayu kepada Allah S. W. T agar diberi keringanan, mengurangkan jumlah waktu sembahyang itu. Selepas sembilan kali merayu, (setiap kali dikurangkan lima waktu), akhirnya Allah perkenan memfardhukan sembahyang lima waktu sehari semalam dengan mengekalkan nilainya sebanyak 50 waktu juga.
5. Selepas Mikraj
Rasulullah S. A. W. turun ke langit dunia semula. Seterusnya turun ke Baitul-Maqdis. Lalu menunggang Buraq perjalanan pulang ke Mekah pada malam yang sama. Dalam perjalanan ini baginda bertemu dengan beberapa peristiwa yang kemudiannya menjadi saksi (bukti) peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj yang amat ajaib itu (Daripada satu riwayat peristiwa itu berlaku pada malam Isnin, 27 Rejab, kira-kira 18 bulan sebelum hijrah). Wallahu’alam.
(Sumber : Kitab Jam’ul-Fawaa`id) Kesimpulannya, peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj bukan hanya sekadar sebuah kisah sejarah yang diceritakan kembali setiap kali 27 Rejab menjelang. Adalah lebih penting untuk kita menghayati pengajaran di sebalik peristiwa tersebut bagi meneladani perkara yang baik dan menjauhi perkara yang tidak baik. Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj yang memperlihatkan pelbagai kejadian aneh yang penuh pengajaran seharusnya memberi keinsafan kepada kita agar sentiasa mengingati Allah dan takut kepada kekuasaan-Nya.
Seandainya peristiwa dalam Israk dan Mikraj ini dipelajari dan dihayati benar-benar kemungkinan manusia mampu mengelakkan dirinya daripada melakukan berbagai-bagai kejahatan. Kejadian Israk dan Mikraj juga adalah untuk menguji umat Islam (apakah percaya atau tidak dengan peristiwa tersebut). Orang-orang kafir di zaman Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam langsung tidak mempercayai, malahan memperolok-olokkan Nabi sebaik-baik Nabi bercerita kepada mereka.
Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj itu merupakan ujian dan mukjizat yang membuktikan kudrat atau kekuasaan Allah Subhanahu Wataala. Allah Subhanahu Wataala telah menunjukkan bukti-bukti kekuasaan dan kebesaran-Nya kepada Baginda Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Mafhum Firman Allah S. W. T. : “Maha Suci Allah yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Al-Masjidil Haram ke Al-Masjidil Aqsa yang telah kami berkati sekelilingnya agar Kami perlihatkan kepadanya sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat.” (Surah Al-Israa’: Ayat 1). wallahua’lam..

source : ohislam
READ MORE - Peristiwa Israk Mikraj Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. – 27 Rejab

Voipnow Callback Android | Voipnow Free Credit iPhone

If you are having a smartphone be it Android, iPhone, Blackberry or Windows based : using mobile voip you can make very cheap calls. And with so many mobile voip providers offering free calls or free test credit, you can very easily lower your phone bills!

We have already discussed about Viber, Tango Video Calls, Mobyler and today we discuss about Voipnow callback for Android. VoipNow Callback application gives you a possibility to phone at a low cost to you! Now you can make calls to any fixed-line and mobile phones, around the world, and it is very cheap! There is available a function of callback request over 3G/WiFi connection, and in that case all your calls become incoming calls.

So, even if you don't have high speed internet on your mobile, still you can make calls using callback method. Voipnow is offering $2 free calling credit to try its android based voip service. What’s more, you can get additional $3 for a simple comment and good rate in the Android Market. So with few simple steps you can get $5 credit.

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Some of other Voipnow features :
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So all those having a android based mobile, should try Voipnow service!
READ MORE - Voipnow Callback Android | Voipnow Free Credit iPhone

Review � Star Trek resort coming to Jordan in 2014

Review � Star Trek resort coming to Jordan in 2014

Some of you might remember how we reported on a Chinese amusement park that is based (loosely) on World of Warcraft and Starcraft. I suppose it was time that someone made a decent Star Trek theme park, and this one will be in Aqaba, Jordan.

Not that the Star Trek experience at the Las Vegas Hilton wasn�t good, but it was just as expansive as this one. This is Rubicon Group Holding�s Red Sea Astrarium, and RGH and Paramount Recreation plan to turn it into a �multi-sensory 23rd-century experiences, culminating with a state-of-the art space-flight adventure that takes real-time immersive entertainment experiences to bold new heights�.

This resort is expected to be completed sometime within 2014, and it is about 184 acres at an astronomical cost of $1 billion.

I am not certain how in the world this will be an authentic Star Trek set-up. I can see in the mock-up nothing that looks like an icon from the TV show or movies. In fact, one of those areas looks like Naboo from Star Wars. I�m guessing the real business here is going to be from the hotels nearby.

I suppose that we�ll have to wait a few more years to boldly go where no one has gone before, and I�m guessing that it would be logical to say that it probably won�t meet its deadline. Scotty, you have three years!
READ MORE - Review � Star Trek resort coming to Jordan in 2014

Review � lightRadio � There�s a lot of Jack in this Box

Review � lightRadio � There�s a lot of Jack in this Box

I’m probably dating myself, but I actually owned one of the first cell phones, admit it, some of you remember� It came attached to a darn suitcase, and seemed to weigh about 5 pounds.� I was pretty proud of it, and come to think of it, the reception was pretty good too! But look how far we’ve come�

As cell phones have become smaller and owning one is now almost compulsory, those unsightly antennas of steel topped by all the necessary transmitters and gizmos that we call cell towers have invaded practically every landscape known to man. So let us welcome Alcatel-Lucent’s lightRadio. Imagine if you will, much smaller antennas, some tiny enough to hold in your hand. A device like that could be placed anywhere, on lamp or utility poles on buildings, heck, anywhere with electrical and network connections. Seriously, a cell tower in a box!

If they can iron out a few details, it could upend the wireless industry and offer amazing service, fantastic voice and data transmissions with no dead spots, fewer dropped calls, and let’s face it, the end of those unsightly towers. Because the antennas will be so much smaller � and can be put in so many more locations, the result is increased signal strength for us all, and who would object to something the size of a Rubiks cube �erected� somewhere near their home?

Alcatel-Lucent also thinks that their new lightRadio can cut both the financial and energy costs of operating a network by 50% or more, because it diminishes upkeep and maintenance costs, energy consumption and because more information can be transmitted at the same time. Gee, I wonder if those claims came to fruition we would actually have our phone bills cut in half. Wait a minute, I’m holding my breath.

Look for these lightRadios to show up sometime soon� you know, if you can find them.
READ MORE - Review � lightRadio � There�s a lot of Jack in this Box

Review � Ubiquitous iRemoTap is a Wi-Fi connected power strip

Review � Ubiquitous iRemoTap is a Wi-Fi connected power strip

If you are like me, you have �that desk� in your house that is sort of the hub for digital information. On the desk is a laptop or desktop computer, and all kinds of accessories.

Chances are, all of these devices are plugged in to a power strip, and they are a source of great power consumption on your monthly electric bill. This power strip by Japan-based Ubiquitous is the iRemoTap, and it has a built-in Wi-Fi module.

The purpose of the Wi-Fi is so it can send information to connected devices in the household. The iRemoTap can automatically send out some sort of message like an email or tweet so you know how much energy that you are consuming.

In fact, you can program this thing for a preset level, so you can make energy goals and hopefully keep them. I guess you will have to know what levels your devices have, of course. I don�t really know that off the top of my head.

So is this the wave of the future? All of us knowing how much power we consume and making certain that we live up to it? Well, it is better than the model that most of us have, which is just use up power and then pay the bill.
READ MORE - Review � Ubiquitous iRemoTap is a Wi-Fi connected power strip

Jacko Steps are straight out of Billie Jean video

Jacko Steps are straight out of Billie Jean video

I was listening to the radio in the car yesterday, and Michael Jackson�s Billie Jean came on the air.

While my wife and I were questioning the lyrics, I couldn�t help but think of the video for the song. I swear, Michael Jackson�s videos took music videos to a whole new level back in the 1980s.

I�m not certain how old our average reader actually is, but find the Billie Jean music video online and watch it if you have never seen it before. Not to be too much of a spoiler, but it shows Jacko walking on sidewalk tiles that mysteriously glow every time he puts his foot on them. Now you can have these glowing steps in your own backyard with the appropriately named Jacko Steps.

It does not look like these rocks glow whenever one steps on them. However, the purpose of these steps isn�t to replicate a video that is sadly retro, but an alternative to those lights that illuminate paths.

This totally makes sense. Why purchase lights that illuminate a path when you can just make the path glow. I suppose that The Wiz version of Michael Jackson would be totally easing down this road. Okay, I�m totally out of Michael Jackson references and still cannot believe it has been two years since his untimely demise. I think that is about all I should say about it.!%29
READ MORE - Jacko Steps are straight out of Billie Jean video

Review � Let the Yobot take your bag

Review � Let the Yobot take your bag

This summer, a 669-room hotel known as the Yotel will open up at Times Square. This particular hotel has a �sleek, techno feel�.

I suppose someone wants the Yotel to be the �hotel of the future�, which is why guests have the option of giving their bags to a robot for safekeeping. Yes, this robot arm can take your bag an put it in one of 133 storage lockers.

Yes, I was hoping for a robot who would take your bags to your room, but I suppose the technology just isn�t there yet. Still, for those who want to store their bags behind the counter while they peruse the town after checkout, this is your ticket.

Speaking of ticket, Yobot gives the user a bar-coded ticket so it is a more secure method of storage that is as good as a locker. Of course, I don�t know how much a locker in Times Square costs, but this Yobot luggage counter will cost you $2 per bag.

In all honesty, I can see a lot of major hotels having some automated system like this. I would imagine that some might find this robot futuristic, but I just see it as normal. However, I suppose a human being could do this, and it would probably look classier.
READ MORE - Review � Let the Yobot take your bag

Review � Microsoft�s �Mango� � Making Smartphones Smarter

Review � Microsoft�s �Mango� � Making Smartphones Smarter

Wow, we do a lot with our phones these days, I often have so much going on all at once It can be a bit frustrating, the phone can only do so much� I’m not sure a smartphone is really as SMART, as it sounds, The smartphone experience is complicated by tons of different apps and accounts that folks like us need to try and keep up with — from making calls, texts, emails and instant messages and then, status updates, Tweets, check-ins, photo posting and tagging. Its all too much, isn’t it?

Well Microsoft Corp. today previewed the next major release of Windows Phone, code-named �Mango,� Mango will deliver more than 500 new features that will actually integrate the entire smartphone experience including all your communications, apps and the Internet. The new �Mango� release organizes information around the person or the group that we want to interact with, not the app we have to use. More on specific features after the break.

Mango allows its users to switch between text, Facebook chat and Windows Live Messenger all within the same conversation. It will group contacts into personalized Live Tiles to see the latest status updates right from the Start Screen and quickly send a text, email or IM to the whole group. Your Twitter and LinkedIn feeds are now integrated into contact cards, and Mango includes built-in Facebook check-ins and new face detection software that makes it easier to quickly tag photos and post to the Web and hands-free messaging with built-in voice-to-text and text-to-voice support that enables hands-free texting or chatting.

Mango is also a Multitasker. Mango allows you to quickly switch between apps in use and allow apps to run in the background, helping to preserve battery life and performance. In addition to including Internet Explorer, the Mango release will connect the power of the Web to the unique capabilities of Windows Phones, such as location awareness, camera and access to apps, to present a way of viewing the Web that is more localized, actionable and relevant.

They really aren�t going to produce a phone that only makes calls ever again, are they?

The �Mango� release will be available for free to Windows Phone 7 customers and is scheduled to ship with new phones beginning this fall.

Source: �
READ MORE - Review � Microsoft�s �Mango� � Making Smartphones Smarter

Review � NZXT rocks on with Avatar S gaming mouse

Review � NZXT rocks on with Avatar S gaming mouse 

Are you a serious gamer who uses nothing but the very best hardware available in order to further cement your dominance at the top of the gaming food chain? Well, surely you know that even gaming equipment will not remain at the top of its game forever, and an upgrade from time to time would serve you well (although your bank account might beg to differ). NZXT might be next on your list if you are looking out for a gaming mouse, as they have just announced the Avatar S.

This will be the latest addition to their award-winning range of gaming mice, where the Avatar S will allow PC gamers as well as enthusiasts enjoy simple, precise gaming control, bringing to the table an array of intuitive, innovative features. It is rather similar to the original Avatar gaming mouse thanks to its sleek and stealthy design, while sporting an ambidextrous, low profile, light form factor that has Teflon feet at the bottom to help you glide this puppy over just about any decent surface, letting your reflexes do the talking.

The Avatar S will also offer on-the-fly DPI selection thanks to a DPI switch which will adjust it between 1600, 800 and 400DPI � all without having to go through the hassle of downloading different drivers. Apart from that, you can also save yourself precious seconds in games with the ability to custom configure in-game macros. That is accompanied by 5 media keys, X-Y sensitivity, and LED lighting, where all your carefully selected personalized settings can be saved onto the onboard 16Kb memory.

Johnny Hou, Founder and Chief Designer at NZXT has this to say, “We designed Avatar S as an intuitive solution that gives gamers maximum personalization with minimum hassle. Your profile settings can be easily configured and then saved onto the onboard memory in case you game on multiple rigs. When gearing up at a LAN party, the last thing gamers should have to worry about is whether or not their mouse is configured correctly. Avatar S eliminates that headache.”

Best part of all? The Avatar S will retail for a relatively affordable $39.99 (€34.99 for our friends living across the pond), which is cheaper than other higher end gaming mice.
READ MORE - Review � NZXT rocks on with Avatar S gaming mouse

Sprint�s HTC EVO 3D and EVO View 4G tablet now available

The wait is over � Sprint�s brand new EVO 3D Android smartphone and EVO View 4G tablet are now available to all customers. The EVO 3D, which offers a glasses-free 4.3-inch 3D display, 4G WiMAX connectivity, a 1.2GHz processor, and the ability to record 1080p video, is available for $199.99 with a new two-year Sprint contract.

We ran our review earlier this month and called it our �favorite Sprint phone, hands down.� The EVO View 4G, which we also recently reviewed, is powered by a 1.5GHz processor, has a 7-inch display, 4G WiMAX connectivity, and runs Android 2.3 Gingerbread. It�s available for $400 with the Scribe pen for a limited time. Hit the jump for the full press release from Sprint.

Exclusively from Sprint and Available Today: HTC EVO 3D, America�s First 3D-Enabled Smartphone in the United States, and HTC EVO View 4G, with New Digital Pen Technology

Sprint Stores nationwide open at 8 a.m. local time for customers to get a jump-start on purchasing this summer�s hottest devices

OVERLAND PARK, Kan.�(BUSINESS WIRE)�Two of the most highly anticipated wireless devices of 2011, HTC EVO� 3D and HTC EVO View 4G�, debut today, exclusively from Sprint (NYSE: S). HTC EVO 3D, America�s first glasses-free 3D phone will cost $199.99 and HTC EVO View 4G, the first 4G-enabled tablet in the United States, will cost $399.99. Both prices exclude applicable taxes, and the devices require a new two-year service agreement or eligible upgrade.

�When it comes to gaming on the HTC EVO 3D, I am impressed.�

Sprint Stores nationwide will open at 8 a.m. local time. HTC EVO 3D and HTC EVO View 4G will also be available through Sprint Business Direct Sales, and Telesales (1-800-SPRINT1), as well as RadioShack and Best Buy stores.

�HTC EVO 3D brings to life a visual experience that comes alive in front of the viewers� eyes and offers crisp, clear pictures on the large display that showcases yet another new innovation from Sprint; and HTC EVO View 4G combines a wonderful tablet experience with the ability to use the optional HTC Scribe digital pen to take notes on web pages, e-books, PDF documents and more, in an easy and natural way,� said Fared Adib, vice president � Product Development, Sprint. �We�re looking forward to seeing our customers� reactions to the glasses-free 3D experience when they get their hands on these exciting new devices today.�

Glasses-Free 3D plus Sprint 4G

HTC EVO 3D takes the mobile multimedia experience to a new level, providing the ability to capture and view in 3D and share at 4G speeds while offering consumers the ultimate glasses-free 3D experience. Built with the Android� 2.3 operating system (Gingerbread) with the latest version of the acclaimed HTC Sense experience, HTC EVO 3D features America�s first 4.3-inch, qHD 3D display and a powerful 1.2GHz Qualcomm� Snapdragon� dual-core processor. HTC EVO 3D also features dual 5-megapixel cameras, which can be used to capture high-quality conventional and stunning 3D images and videos, opening up new frontiers for user-generated content, social networking and streaming video.

Respected technology media agree Sprint has done it again with HTC EVO 3D. Here are a few accolades from early reviews:

�A lot of the hype on this phone will be centered on its 3-D capabilities. But take away the 3-D and you still have one of the better smartphones in the market.� � The Wall Street Journal
�When it comes to gaming on the HTC EVO 3D, I am impressed.� � TheGamerAccess
�So, if the way you use your phone and ease of navigation and functions is important, you want the best Mobile UI on the market, and you love glasses-free 3D technology, get the only phone that has them both, the HTC EVO 3D 4G for Sprint.� � VideoGamingPros
�The HTC EVO 3D builds on the original EVO 4G in every way possible. It�s thinner, it feels better in the hand, and it�s way more powerful.� � BGR
�The EVO 3D is more or less the same ass-kicker its 2D predecessor was, but a year later and faster.� � Gizmodo
�There�s no question that the 3D powers are an appealing feature of the EVO 3D. Taking 3D images and 3D video offers that �wow� feeling almost each and every time, and makes even the most mundane subjects somehow more interesting. It helps that the EVO 3D�s camera is top notch. Even if the EVO 3D were a 2D-only shooter, it would be worth recommending for the camera performance alone.� � Phonescoop
�So let�s ignore 3D for a second. The EVO 3D is fast, sleek, up to date, and packs a pretty great qHD display.� � This is My Next

HTC EVO 3D requires activation on one of Sprint�s Everything Data plans plus a required $10 Premium Data add-on charge for smartphones. Sprint�s Everything Data plan with Any Mobile, AnytimeSM includes unlimited web, texting and calling to and from any mobile in America while on the Sprint Network, starting at just $69.99 per month plus required $10 Premium Data add-on charge � a savings of $39.99 per month versus Verizon�s comparable plan with unlimited talk, text and web or $9.99 per month versus Verizon�s 450-minute plan with unlimited text and web. The Mobile Hotspot option is available for an additional $29.99 per month supporting up to eight Wi-Fi enabled devices simultaneously. (Pricing excludes taxes and surcharges.)

An Unparalleled Tablet Experience

HTC EVO View 4G brings the best of the EVO experience to a tablet design with a 7-inch touchscreen, 1.5GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and latest version of HTC Sense. It will launch with an Android 2.3 operating system (Gingerbread) with a future update to Android 3.0 (Honeycomb). As the perfect combination e-reader, media player and portable computing device, HTC EVO View 4G offers a premium entertainment experience with HD-like quality video and a rich web-browsing experience with the ability to browse the web on Flash-enabled sites.

Here are a few nice things industry experts had to say about HTC EVO View 4G:

�I love the form factor and absolutely solid build quality of the View 4G. It�s a top notch tablet, the size is great, and it�s lovely having 4G WiMAX data speeds wherever I go.�2 � BGR
�The EVO View�s 7-inch, 1024 x 600-pixel glossy display is one of the brightest and most vibrant we�ve seen on a tablet. With the brightness turned up, images appeared bright and colorful even at 90-degree viewing angles.� � Laptop Magazine
�The HTC EVO View 4G for Sprint adds a fast 4G connection to the HTC Flyer, an already capable tablet with excellent pen input options.� � PC Magazine
�The HTC EVO View 4G is undeniably fun to use. The interface is fast and responsive.� � CNET

Additionally, for a limited time, any customer who purchases HTC EVO View 4G will receive the HTC Scribe� digital pen (otherwise sold separately) at no additional charge, while supplies last, with a two-year service agreement � providing an additional savings of $79.99 on their purchase.

Rate plans for the HTC EVO View start as low as $34.99 per month for 3GB of 3G data and unlimited 4G data usage while on the Sprint network, when bundled with an eligible handset plan3. Unlimited text, picture and video messaging are included at no additional charge. Additional plans, including 3G-only plans, are available to meet customers� needs. Optional add-on services include GPS Navigation for $2.99 per day or $9.99 per month and the Mobile Hotspot option for $29.99 per month supporting up to eight Wi-Fi enabled devices simultaneously. (Pricing excludes taxes and surcharges.)

For an all-star look at HTC EVO View 4G, tune in to the BET Awards at 8 p.m. Eastern Sunday, June 26. Celebrity presenters will forego the traditional envelopes during the awards presentation in favor of HTC EVO View 4G tablets. During the live telecast from the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, the presenters will be using Sprint�s latest tablet to announce the winners.

Sprint was unbeaten among major wireless carriers for customer satisfaction according to results from the 2011 American Customer Satisfaction Index. In addition to tying for first place among wireless carriers, Sprint was also the number one most improved company in customer satisfaction, across all industries, over the last three years, according to the survey.

As the first national wireless carrier to test, launch and market 4G technology, Sprint made history by launching 4G in Baltimore in September 2008. Sprint currently offers 4G service in 71 markets in 28 states. For more information, visit
READ MORE - Sprint�s HTC EVO 3D and EVO View 4G tablet now available

Review � Facebook hits 750 million users milestone


Facebook now has 750 million monthly active users worldwide, TechCrunch reported on Friday. That�s incredible growth since our June 1st story, which suggested that the social network was closing in on 700,000,000 users worldwide. In that report, emerging markets showed the most growth � Brazil�s user base jumped 11.4% in May alone � and the United States was the top country; U.S. users were responsible for 149.4 million Facebook accounts. Last July, Facebook announced that it had hit the 500 million user mark, but it hasn�t publicly revealed any figures since then. Facebook only measures active users and only counts those who have logged into the social network during the past 30 days.
READ MORE - Review � Facebook hits 750 million users milestone

Review � Android 3.1-powered Google TV 2.0 and �Fishtank� developer program detailed

Review � Android 3.1-powered Google TV 2.0 and �Fishtank� developer program detailed 

The original Google TV products were met by lukewarm reviews at best, and according to, the search giant is hard at work on its new Google TV 2.0 product. Developers have been joining Google�s new �Fishtank� program to get early access to tools that will allow them to create compelling new content for Google�s next attempt at entering our living rooms. Google TV 2.0 runs a barebones version of Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) and there are reportedly only 50 developers partaking in the initial Fishtank program.

Fishtank includes an Intel CE4100 reference platform with a beta version of Google TV 2.0 preloaded, and a wireless keyboard. Intel�s Sodaville SoC, part of the CE4100 reference platform, also includes support for 3D gaming and Flash. noticed a new �dual-view� feature that allows users to watch TV and use the OS at the same time; and the user interface has the same glowing-blue Tron-like effects as the tablet version of Honeycomb.

Developers are said to be up in arms over the �Live TV� application on Google TV 2.0 � many want to interact with the TV interface directly, but Google isn�t allowing that just yet. Will it be enough for Google to tackle Apple TV? We�ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, another shot of the box and a couple of UI images can be seen after the break.

Review � Android 3.1-powered Google TV 2.0 and �Fishtank� developer program detailed

Review � Android 3.1-powered Google TV 2.0 and �Fishtank� developer program detailed 

Review � Android 3.1-powered Google TV 2.0 and �Fishtank� developer program detailed
READ MORE - Review � Android 3.1-powered Google TV 2.0 and �Fishtank� developer program detailed

Review � Panasonic sees Toughbook C1, and raises the ante with updates

Review � Panasonic sees Toughbook C1, and raises the ante with updates
Panasonic is one brand name that you can definitely trust when it comes to using a tough-as-nails notebook, thanks to their Toughbook series. Well, the latest machine from them that will fly the Toughbook flag is not new � we�re talking about the Toughbook C1, although Panasonic decided to take the vanilla model and throw in some updates to help it keep up with the times.

The new Toughbook C1 will hold the self-proclaimed record of being the world�s lightest 12.1� convertible tablet PC, where it will sport a 320GB hard drive at the very least, alongside up to 12 hours of battery life, 2GB RAM right out of the box that can be updated to 8GB and a faster Intel Core i5-2520M vPro processor which runs at 2.50GHz with Turbo Boost up to 3.2GHz. Apart from that, Panasonic knows how valuable your time is to you, which is why the Toughbook C1 has a start-up time that is around 30% faster compared to its predecessor.

The upgraded Toughbook C1 won�t skimp on its built-in wireless connectivity options that comprise of Bluetooth v2.1 and the optional Gobi 2000 3G mobile broadband technology from Qualcomm. Having been certified on the AT&T, Sprint and Verizon Wireless 3G networks, this more or less confirms the fact that you will be able to remain connected virtually all of the time. Apart from that, with Intel�s Centrino Advanced-N 6205 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi chipset, you shouldn�t be able to have issues with Wi-Fi networks anywhere.

Weighing just 3.28 lbs, this lightweight Toughbook C1 will sport a triple-hinge design that was specially developed for a highly mobile workforce. The laptop is tough enough to withstand drops from around 30� without blinking, and it has a hot-swappable twin battery design so that you need not worry about losing your work simply because there isn�t enough juice left. With a �hand-free� ergonomic �strap and dome� cradle, you know that working for long hours on the C1 is going to be smooth sailing � although it isn�t cut out for gaming.

Expect to see the upgraded Toughbook C1 arrive Stateside from next month onwards from $2,599.
READ MORE - Review � Panasonic sees Toughbook C1, and raises the ante with updates

Review � Aquaskipper Hydrofoil Human Powered Watercraft

Review � Aquaskipper Hydrofoil Human Powered Watercraft

Ever wondered how it will feel like when you walk on water? Of course, you might not be able to live it up as with Peter, but with the Aquaskipper Hydrofoil Human Powered Watercraft, it might give you a semblance of such a feeling. This $495 purchase is not going to be made on a whim and fancy, but at least you can use it constantly without having to worry about ever rising fuel prices � simply because it is human-powered.

Made out of lightweight aircraft aluminum, it weighs a mere 26 pounds when fully assembled. Good thing you don�t need a rocket science degree to get this assembled, and if you�re smart enough to work out your own constructions using LEGO, surely the Aquaskipper Hydrofoil Human Powered Watercraft should not be a problem for you to put together. Capable of flying up to 17mph, you can basically fly across water by hopping up and down.

Just make sure you are not heavier than 250 pounds, and pass the 70 pounds mark if you ever want the Aquaskipper Hydrofoil Human Powered Watercraft to �take off�.
READ MORE - Review � Aquaskipper Hydrofoil Human Powered Watercraft

Military Supplier Unveils Zombie Killer Knives

[WizardRSS: unable to retrieve full-text content] by David Campisi Ka-Bar, a military supplier, has just released a new line of knives created for the sole purpose of fighting off the undead. The manufacturer says that the "ZK knives are designed to perform under the most rigorous, unexpected and apocalyptic situations." Yep, the zombie movement has reached that level, now. The [...]
READ MORE - Military Supplier Unveils Zombie Killer Knives

How to transfer android apps from computer to phone

A lot many people are now switching to smartphones with many opting for Android based mobile phones over iPhone and Blackberry. And if you are having Android mobile and not trying and using various Android apps then you are not making most use of your mobile.

Android Market has now a good number of free android apps and some of them are really useful. However I still feel that searching the apps using your mobile phone in the android market and finding the right one is not that easy! This is one thing I like with Apple store (iPhone app market). Top apps, best apps, best free apps, close matches all things on your mobile and really fast.

But, finding the android apps on your PC is lot more easier task. Searching the Android App market on your computer is very easy task and you will find many useful apps straightaway! Also, when reading a review, reading blogs you come across many android apps which you want to try.

Android Market has a very good feature : Just visit the Android Market on your PC/Computer. Login with your gmail account. You will see that your mobile is already listed. You just need to click install on the android app of your choice. Yes, just click install on your Computer!
The next time your mobile is connected with Wifi or Gprs or 3G, the app will automatically get downloaded and installed on your Android Mobile. I guess this is really a good feature and very useful too.

Just try it out and you will like it.

For those who came looking for a solution to transfer apps from computer without wifi or internet connectivity on phone :
If you have an SD memory card you can connect your Android phone to the computer as USB Mass Storage device. After connecting the phone via USB pull down the notification bar, make sure that USB Debugging is turned on, tap on USB connected and select to Mount your SD card as storage. Two important things: Eject the device on your operating system and then hit Unmount on the Android phone before disconnecting the cable.
READ MORE - How to transfer android apps from computer to phone

Archos uncovers 80 G9 and 101 G9 tablets running Android 3.1

French technology maker Archos has unveiled a couple of Android 3.1 Honeycomb tablets, the 80 G9 and 101 G9 in a media event in Paris. The only difference the new Archos tablets make, is in their screen size and resolution. Indeed, as we can predict, the Archos 80G9 is an 8-inch tablet with a 1024 x 768 resolution. The second one predictably features a 10.1-inch display with a
READ MORE - Archos uncovers 80 G9 and 101 G9 tablets running Android 3.1

Review � Android vs Windows Mobile 6.5: a duel on equal devices

Which of the two operating systems for smart phones more functional, more comfortable, more promising? It is considered that the future - for Android, and Windows Mobile too old and has to be forgot. But let's not make hasty conclusions. Let's try to start to compare these operating systems, giving them an equal chance to prove themselves.

HTC is as if specially provided us with this opportunity, releasing two communicators with nearly identical hardware equipment, but different OS - HTC Tattoo with Android and HTC Touch 2 with Windows Mobile 6.5. There is no better ground for comparison than these two devices. Both smartphones are based on the same integrated platform, Qualcomm MSM7225 processor with a frequency of 528 MHz, equipped with identical amounts of memory, air interfaces, cameras, and even an FM-tuner.

Well, let's move on to the software capabilities.

Interface for both devices is actually the same - it's HTC Sense. However, the differences between versions for Android and Windows Mobile are really great. Common, in fact, is only the main screen. In Windows Mobile Sense it is a set of windows which can be browsed through the horizontal swipes or using icon (icon at the bottom of the screen - a kind of roots of bookmarks). The composition displayed applets can be customized; however it is limited to on / off individual tabs. Android is all about applets, including the objects of the main window - its widgets, they can be also placed on the seven pages of its interface. Some of them repeat the design of Sense applets; others are taken directly from Android. In sum, the shell came out slightly better in Tattoo: flexible configuration options, more modern graphics and animation.

As for specific to the OS interface elements themselves, Android is the leader by a wide margin. Notification bar that stretches on to entire screen is more convenient than it is in Windows Mobile; HTC even added a function for it to show in a separate window. Standard application interface elements are bigger and better placed in Android.

Performance. According to stereotype, Android is faster than Windows Mobile, especially than WM 6.5. It's not entirely true, as we saw both systems are working equally fast. In terms of pure speed experiment both OS's are running virtually at same speed, this also applies to interface renderer and applications. Programs' launching speeds depend on their specific implementation under each operating system, there is no systematic lag in any one of the smartphones. However, there are two "buts". Windows Mobile has the ability to collect "bugs" and "brake" during a session (without rebooting). This problem usually appears after some time, while Android keeps high performance even at very high and use of system and applications.

Working with files. The Windows Mobile users and applications have full freedom of handling files, virtually the same as in the desktop Windows. File management in Android is a huge problem. There is no file manager preinstalled. Finding and installing programs is not difficult, however applications use strict bindings to their work folders. Many applets can only work with documents in a folder with a specific name.

Working with e-mail. Until recently, Windows Mobile has been setting the bar for functionality, flexibility and compatibility, but Android is setting new standards in working with e-mail. It's not just a normal Gmail client, which allows the most convenient way for the mobile device display and manage correspondence, and work with related services, Google (Calendar, Contacts), but also in the implementation of other protocols. In HTC Tattoo supports POP3/SMTP, and Microsoft Exchange. Android works more stable and is better when different encodings in the body of letters. But it has problems with file attachments. If your mail client is set to save files to SD, it won't save files at all if there is no SD card. There appears the same problem with file management (if the mail client is configured to save them to SD. The second problem is that Tattoo did not have any preinstalled software to work with Microsoft Office documents.

Work on the Internet. Android is the leader here. The HTC Touch 2 has Opera Mobile 9.5, but it is fairly slower than Android browser. Android browser is faster in rendering pages, better in compatibility with web design technologies and user-view control. Android also works better with caching in your browser, which further enhances the ease of navigating through the pages.

Telephone communication. There are no dramatic differences in implementation of telephone applications in Android and Windows Mobile. At least, this applies to HTC products. Both have a simple call via interface or the hard button, large keys, direct access to your address book. In both cases, they used Windows Mobile users search method by applying a mask of all the letters on entire array of data. Android features slightly more modern graphics and slightly better virtual service keys. But here we should not forget that Windows Mobile is not used only on HTC. Typically, each manufacturer has its own smartphone, "dialer" and, as a rule, it is somewhat worse than that of HTC.

Multimedia. Capabilities of both systems for playback of graphics, audio and video files are roughly equal, players and viewers are comparable in terms of functionality and ease of management. The only problem on Android is again its file management system.

As a result, a comparison between two identical devices with different operating systems breaks the stereotype that Windows Mobile is worse than Android in all the aspects. In the hands of producers who have experience with Microsoft and striving to make their devices of high-quality and attractive for consumers, both OS's running approximately equal. Android has a much better interface, and it is more stable under prolonged heavy use, but it has some problems with the file management.

Our experience also shows that device manufacturers play a key role in the development of the operating system and its adaptation to the needs of the user. Consortia and software companies are more concerned about the functional expansion of the platform, supported by new technologies than on particular aspects of its capabilities and comfort of use. As a result, the general definition of Android as a "crude and unbalanced equipment", and Windows Mobile - as "unstable and slow". But the knowledgeable and skilled work of HTC equals them out.
READ MORE - Review � Android vs Windows Mobile 6.5: a duel on equal devices

What do these mean: "Modem," "Kernel," etc. (in Android context)"

The word 'ROM' is typically used in the smartphone world to refer to the base firmware of a device as a package.  The base operating system, the firmware that runs the radios for voice, data, GPS, FM radio, bluetooth, etc. in the phone (often referred to as the 'radio' or 'modem' component of the firmware), plus any software that the person or company that created the 'ROM' decided to include all comprise a 'ROM.'  The name is a throwback to the computing term, 'Read Only Memory,' which is computer memory that is read from often but seldom (if ever) written to.  It's not entirely the correct terminology, but it's been embraced by the community and has therefore become part of phone-modding lexicon.  The three distinct parts of a ROM (or firmware) are the kernel, the modem (or radio) firmware, and the rest of the OS, commonly referred-to as the 'ROM.'  Confusing, I know.

'Flashing' is the act of updating/replacing software on the device while the operating system is not running.  It's a throwback to a term that is typically used to describe the act of writing data to read-only memory.  Flashing software on an Android device can typically done via USB using a computer (on the Vibrant the software used is called Odin, although there is a community-created package called Heimdall as well).  Many ROMs (or firmwares) can also be flashed via a mini-operating system built into the device that's commonly referred-to as Recovery Mode.  Using an enhanced Recovery Mode like Clockwork Mod Recovery (downloadable from the Market and usable if you root your device) you can flash many ROMs directly from your phone's SD card without using a computer.

A 'kernel' is the low-level core of a computer operating system.  It typically handles things like memory management, access to hardware devices installed on the system, threading (juggling multiple processes being crunched by the system simultaneously), etc.  The role of the kernel varies a little from OS to OS, but in essence it's a layer of abstraction between the hardware (CPU, memory, and other hardware) and the application software running in/on the operating system.

Modem firmware is usually interchangeable between 'ROMs' and can affect performance of radios on the device, signal strength, data speeds, etc.  The modem can also affect battery life by causing the radio hardware in the device to be more or less demanding on the battery.  Kernels are somewhat interchangeable between 'ROMs,' but unless a pairing of a ROM and kernel has been tested there is a chance to run into problems or even 'soft-brick' your device (causing the main OS to be unable to boot on its own).  When this happens on the Vibrant the device can be recovered nearly 100% of the time (if not 100%) by flashing a known good and complete firmware (like the stock T-Mobile firmware for Vibrant, for example) via Odin or Heimdall.  The kernel has the most potential to affect overall performance and battery life of the device, although settings in the rest of the ROM can have an effect on these things as well.

credit : 
READ MORE - What do these mean: "Modem," "Kernel," etc. (in Android context)"

Review � AMD will release six Llano APU's in third quarter, five more - in fourth


In the third quarter of the year, AMD will release six Llano APU's, designed for desktop systems and as competitors of Second Generation Intel Core. In the fourth quarter there is going to be five more products. This is reported by our Taiwanese colleagues, with the usual reference to "industry sources".

AMD will present model Llano APU Series A, issued on 32-nanometer technology at Computex Taipei 2011 in June. Among the new products that will fall on the market in the third quarter, there will be processors A8-A6-3550 and 3450. We also know names of two of the five articles that will appear in the final quarter of the year: A8-A4-3560 and 3360.

In addition, in the third quarter will see three models of E (Zacate) series: E-300, E-450 and E2-3250.
READ MORE - Review � AMD will release six Llano APU's in third quarter, five more - in fourth

Review � Contract prices for flash memory are growing, but observers do not attribute this to the earthquake in Japan


According to experts from DRAMeXchange, shipments of flash memory on the global market in the second quarter of 2011 due to an earthquake in Japan will be reduced by less than 4%.

Meanwhile, the average contract prices for major products - MLC NAND chip with density of 16 and 32 Gbps - in the first half of March increased by 5.4%, to $ 3.66 and $ 5.66 respectively. The price for 64 Gbps chips increased even more with price change of 8%, to $ 10.12.

According to observers, the price growth is not associated with events in Japan and concerns regarding possible shortages.

After the news about earthquake in Japan the prices went up, and then prices started lowering after March the 16th. Prices for MLC NAND chips with density of 16 and 32 Gbit fell by 5,5% and 3,8%, to $ 4.66 and $ 6.01 in just one day.
READ MORE - Review � Contract prices for flash memory are growing, but observers do not attribute this to the earthquake in Japan

Review � HTC EVO 3D and HTC EVO View 4G tablet will be announced at the CTIA


Today in the U.S. begins CTIA Wireless 2011 event, on which the operator Sprint has announced several new products, including HTC EVO 3D smartphone.

Device, the first information on which appeared a few days ago, is built on dual-core processor 8660 Qualcomm Snapdragon, clocked at 1.2 GHz. It is equipped with 4.3-inch screen size and qHD resolution (960 x 450 pixels). One of the main features of its display is the ability to display three-dimensional images, and you do not need special glasses to watch them.

The new smartphone features 1 GB of RAM (according to other sources - 4 GB), 5 megapixel main camera with photo and video and 1.3 megapixel front camera. It is capable of playing HD video in 1080p or 720p in 3D output and is equipped with HDMI. The device running Android Gingerbread 2.3, and has a 1730 mA/h battery.

The second major premiere is the HTC EVO View 4G tablet with seven-inch capacitive touch screen having a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels. HTC EVO View 4G mobile computer is running Android 2.3 and has aluminum body. The tablet also has a 5 megapixel main camera and 1.3 megapixel front camera, and output HDMI. Its battery capacity is 4000 mA/h.
READ MORE - Review � HTC EVO 3D and HTC EVO View 4G tablet will be announced at the CTIA

Review � Samsung officially presented the Galaxy Tab 8.9 and an updated Galaxy Tab 10.1


CTIA Wireless 2011 exhibition became an arena for the official announcement of the new Tablet PC Galaxy Tab 8.9. However, a complete surprise was that along with it, the Koreans have submitted an updated Tablet Galaxy Tab 10.1, which they announced barely a month ago.

As reported, Galaxy Tab 8.9 is equipped with a 8.9 inch 1280 x 800 pixels screen and ARM-processor operating at 1 GHz, and runs on Android 3.0 Honeycomb. Tablet also features built-in HSPA+, Bluetooth 3.0 and Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n, and two cameras: rear - 3Mp and front 2Mp. Manufacturer did not disclose amount of RAM, but revealed amount of built-in memory: 16GB, 32GB or 64GB to choose.

Galaxy Tab 8.9 is fitted with a gyroscope, an accelerometer, a digital compass and a light sensor, and the headphone jack and integrated stereo speakers. There is also a built-in slot for microSD memory card that supports cards of up to 32GB.

A few words about the software component of Galaxy Tab 8.9. Flash Player 10.2 is integrated into its OS, it also has proprietary TouchWiz UX interface and access to Android Market, there is also support for Microsoft Exchange and Quickoffice HD Editor to work with documents.

Dimensions of Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 are: 230,9 x 157,8 x 8,6 mm, weight - 470 grams. It has a really big battery with 6000 mAh capacity.

The most notable change that has occurred in the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is its body. It used to have dimensions of 246.2 x 170.4 x 10.9 mm and weigh 599 grams. The size of the new Galaxy Tab 10.1 is: 256.6 x 172.9 x 8.6 mm and it weighs - 595 grams. It turns out that the renewed tablet is slightly increased in length and width, but became much thinner. 4 grams that it lost will hardly makes a difference, however, they can now be proud about their record thinness of the device.

The most important change in a constructive part of an updated Galaxy Tab 10.1 is replacement of an 8-megapixel camera on the rear with a 3 Mp camera. We can now all forget about 1080p video recording ability. Senior tablet as well as Galaxy Tab 8.9, got the support of Adobe Flash Player 10.2, but uses a slightly different power supply: it used to have a 6860 mAh battery, but today it has exactly 6800 mAh.

Updated Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 goes on sale in the U.S. on June 8. The cost of the version with 16 GB of internal memory is $ 499, with 32 GB - $ 599. Sales Galaxy Tab 8.9 in America will start early summer; the cost 16 GB model will be $ 469, 32 GB version will cost you $ 499.
READ MORE - Review � Samsung officially presented the Galaxy Tab 8.9 and an updated Galaxy Tab 10.1

Review � NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 is yet the fastest graphics card

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 Quad SLI

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 is here and it is here to step in for the Radeon HD 6990 on a podium of the fastest graphics card in world. It obviously won�t be there for long � either AMD of NVIDIA itself will send some else to take it down. But for now it�s there and doesn�t Quad SLI look beautiful with it. Mind you, Quad SLI requires just two of GTX 590s, not four.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 is dual-core. The GPUs primarily belong to its elderly sister GTX 580 but they are underclocked on the way to make cooling a bit less tricky. The GeForce GTX 590 also claims to be the quietest graphics card with a fan. Anyway, specs follow.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 specifications

CUDA cores: 1,024
Processor clock: 1,215 MHz
Graphics clock: 607 MHz

Frame buffer: 3 GB (1,536 MB/GPU)
Memory type: GDDR5
Memory clock: 1,707 MHz
Bus width: 768-bit (384-bit/GPU)
Memory bandwidth: 327.7 Gbps

Connectivity: 3 � DVI, HDMI 1.4a, PCI-E 2.0 �16
Maximum DVI resolution: 2,560 � 1,600

Features: DirectX 11, OpenGL 4.1, CUDA, PhysX, SLI, 3D Vision Surround
READ MORE - Review � NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 is yet the fastest graphics card

Review � Apple suspected in the development of "smart TV"

According to Katie Hubert Morgan Stanley analyst, Asian sources suggest that Apple is developing a prototype "smart TV". It is not known what lies behind this title, but Hubert said that the new device may include: video player and TV content, games, digital video, FaceTime and other features.

The analyst believes that such a device - the next "big" product of Apple, will be able to bring an additional 4 billion dollars a year with each 1% of the television market, which they enter in 2013.

Rumors about the possible release of the TV Apple appeared repeatedly few past years. Nevertheless, one can assume that it still is not all about television in the usual sense. Apple has already demonstrated that all of its products are designed around iTunes as the main source of content (for example, the iPhone has no FM-tuner, and Mac does not support Blu-ray discs), so it will be hardly possible to use such a device as a "normal TV" and digital video recorder.

Hubert also suggests that the next model of the iPhone will support LTE by 2012 and establishes a target price of Apple shares at $ 410
READ MORE - Review � Apple suspected in the development of "smart TV"

Review � Wireless Bluetooth headset with camera built-in Looxcie

If you ever wanted to have very unusual gadgets this one is for you. This headset has 4 GB of internal memory can record video with a resolution HVGA 480x320. As well the device performs the usual functions of Bluetooth-headset and allows you to answer the phone.

It has two applications - LooxcieMoments and LooxcieCam. The first allows you to shoot video in 360p, second 480p. It is still a question why they didn't combine those into one. There are no applications for editing and uploading reordered videos. Both applications are pretty buggy in the viewfinder mode. There are versions for Android and iOS, but the second one made ??a very sad impression on its testers because it was very raw.

It is also a bit tricky to make it face the right direction to shoot on go. However, it is worth it if you want to record your trip to work or walk in the park. It also works great as a headset. The sound is crisp and loud without any interference. It is priced at $ 199 in Amazon store.

READ MORE - Review � Wireless Bluetooth headset with camera built-in Looxcie

Review � First details on Intel X79 Express chipset

The slides from the presentation of Intel were revealed, which give a first impression on the chipset X79 Express.

The chipset is designed for motherboards with the upper segment LGA2011 CPU socket. Corresponding processors Sandy Bridge - E, according to preliminary data, should appear in the final quarter of this year. They will have built a four DDR3 memory and PCI Express 32 lines.

The chipset generally works as an input-output hub. It includes eight PCI Express lanes, Audio Codec, 14 SATA ports, the same number of USB 2.0 ports and a Gigabit Ethernet port. Ten of the SATA ports support SATA 6 Gb/s specification, and eight of those can be connected to SATA or SAS drives. Thanks to Intel Rapid Storage Technology supports RAID 0, 1, 5 and 10.

Unlike the P67, associated with an interface DMI (physically - PCI-Express 2.0 x4), X79 can be further linked to a processor with four more PCI-Express 2.0 lines, by selecting the appropriate option in EFI. Given the scope, an important feature of the chipset is support for CPU and memory overclocking.

Unfortunately it does not have any USB 3.0 ports available. And they didn't mention Intel Thunderbolt - their own design.
READ MORE - Review � First details on Intel X79 Express chipset

Review � Lenovo ThinkPad W520, ThinkPad T420s and ThinkPad Edge E420s go live online

Lenovo ThinkPad E420s

Lenovo ThinkPad E420sThis week Lenovo has done a great job releasing new Sandy Bridge laptops. It has been a while since first 2nd generation Core i-series notebooks went on sale, but Lenovo is catching up well. Some of the top range models are still to come, but in the meanwhile there are three freshly released ThinkPads to look at. Prices start at $700 for a budget 14-incher and slide way past $1,500 on customization sledges for a workstation. Specifications of the newcomers including base prices and customization options are after the bump.

Lenovo ThinkPad W520 specifications:

Processor: Intel Core i7-2620M @ 2.7 GHz, Intel Core i7-2720QM @ 2.2 GHz, Intel Core i7-2820QM @ 2.3 GHz, Intel Core i7-2920XM @ 2.5 GHz

Graphics: NVIDIA Quadro 1000M 2 GB w/ Optimus

Memory: 4 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz, 6 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz, 8 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz, 16 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz

Storage: 320 GB HDD @ 7,200 rpm, 500 GB HDD @ 7,200 rpm, 128 GB SSD, 160 GB SSD

Display: 15" LED 1,366 � 786, 15" LED 1,600 � 900, 15" LED 1,920 � 1,080

Camera: 720p HD

Wireless: Bluetooth 3.0, 3G, b/g/n Wi-Fi,

Battery: 6-cell 2.6 Ah Li-Ion, 9-cell 2.8 Ah Li-Ion

Base price: $1,500

Lenovo ThinkPad T420s specifications:

Processor: Intel Core i5-2520M @ 2.5 GHz, Intel Core i5-2540M @ 2.6 GHz

Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000

Memory: 2 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz, 4 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz, 6 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz, 8 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz

Storage: 250 GB HDD @ 5,400 rpm, 320 GB HDD @ 5,400 rpm, 320 GB HDD @ 7,200 rpm, 128 GB SSD, 160 GB SSD

Display: 14" LED 1,600 � 900

Camera: 720p HD

Wireless: Bluetooth 3.0, 3G, b/g/n Wi-Fi, WiMAX

Battery: 6-cell Li-Ion

Base price: $1,200

Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E420s specifications:

Processor: Intel Core i3-2310M @ 2.1 GHz, Intel Core i5-2410M @ 2.3 GHz

Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000

Memory: 4 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz, 6 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz, 8 GB DDR3 @ 1,333 MHz

Storage: 250 GB HDD @ 5,400 rpm, 320 GB HDD @ 7,200 rpm, 128 GB SSD

Display: 14" LED 1,366 � 768

Wireless: Bluetooth 3.0, 3G, b/g/n Wi-Fi, WiMAX

Battery: Li-Polymer 48.8 Wh

Base price: $700
READ MORE - Review � Lenovo ThinkPad W520, ThinkPad T420s and ThinkPad Edge E420s go live online

Review � Samsung starts mass production of 22-inch transparent LCD panels


Samsung has announced mass production of transparent LCD panels. The products have a diagonal of 22 inches and are characterized by a resolution of 1680 x 1050 pixels. Panels are available in two versions: color and black and white.

Compared to conventional LCD panels with built-in lighting, transparency, which is about 5%, the new technology of Samsung raised the values ??to 15% for color style and 20% - for black and white, which allows seeing through the display.

According to the manufacturer, transparent panels consume 90% less electricity due to the fact that they use light from external light sources, including solar. Universal connection determines the presence of interfaces HDMI and USB.

Senior vice president of Samsung Electronics LCD Business Younghwan Park expressed confidence that displays on the basis of transparent panels will find wide application in various fields, and therefore the company intends to lead this segment of the market.
READ MORE - Review � Samsung starts mass production of 22-inch transparent LCD panels

Review � Sony Ericsoon Xperia Arc and Xperia PLAY launch details leaked


We are all tired to wait for these two devices to come out. They will finally be available soon from Rogers. Sony Ericsoon Xperia Arc - imaging flagship for the company runs on Android Gingerbread as well as Xperia Play.

The same 1GHz Qualcomm MSM8255 processor and Adreno 205 graphics that you'll find on Xperia Play are present within the Arc. It features 512MB of RAM (320MB available to apps), 8GB of MicroSD storage, an 8 megapixel camera, an HDMI output, and a 1500mAh battery. Fast processor has to be backed up by a good 4.2 inch screen capable of accommodating 854 x 480 pixels.

Being equal in internals it is up to you to choose each one you want to buy. Businessmen will probably go with the ARC and those who like gaming will go with PLAY.

Any way both Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc and Xperia Play will be able at Rogers for $ 99, of course, you are going to have to go with one of their 3-year contracts. As we can see from the picture they should arrive in late april (19th-21th). However, having a unique design with a Sony joystick design is worth it. They are also running a lottery for those who preorder one of the phones, the winner gets to go to Florida for a trip.
READ MORE - Review � Sony Ericsoon Xperia Arc and Xperia PLAY launch details leaked

Review � One Gbps 802.16m WiMAX standard is approved

WiMAX logo

Congratulations to you, our fellow reader, with the approval of the next-gen WiMAX wireless standard. IEEE Standards Association has just plowed through and approved all the specifications WiMAX engineers could thow at them. The new 802.16m promises 1 Gbps in bright but yet very distant future. 300 Mbps however are more realistic to be available soon. People behind the project say the 802.16m WiMAX was designed with cool new web-based services and apps in mind and supports multi-user MIMO, simultanious operation on multiple carriers... more stuff than most poeple will ever make a good use of. Anyway, again, congratulations!
READ MORE - Review � One Gbps 802.16m WiMAX standard is approved

Review � Nokia has officially unveiled its first smartphone running MeeGo - Nokia N9

The CommunicAsia 2011 expo which is currently held in Singapore Nokia has finally officially unveiled its first smartphone running MeeGo (OS version at the time of the premiere was 1.2). Rumors about the preparation of this Nokia gadget appeared more than a year ago.

However, there is no point looking into the past when Nokia N9 is finally revealed. And this device really is interesting. The smartphone includes a fully touch-sensitive controls; it does not provide any mechanical buttons except the service keys like the volume control. For this reason, almost the entire front panel of the product has a large 3.9" touch screen with 854 x 480 resolution. It is also an AMOLED display also, so bright and juicy colors are guaranteed.

New Nokia device features a single-chip TI OMAP 3630 processor which is running at 1 GHz. The amount of RAM is 1 GB but the built-in flash memory can be either 16 or 64 GB. Smartphone's main camera provides 8 megapixels pictures and is equipped with an LED flash, autofocus system and Carl Zeiss optics. The camera can record 720p video.

In addition to all of the above it is equipped with new GPS, NFC module, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, HSDPA and Bluetooth 2.1 adaptors, USB port, standard headphone jack (supports Dolby Headphone technology, and Dolby Digital Plus) and 1450 mAh battery.

Dimensions of Nokia N9 are 116.45 x 61.2 x 12.1 mm and weight is 135 grams. However there is no information on prices, markets and start of sales will be reported later this year. It is likely that by the time this gadget comes out it will be powered by a different version of MeeGo.

READ MORE - Review � Nokia has officially unveiled its first smartphone running MeeGo - Nokia N9

Review � AMD GPU will make the "scalar coprocessors"


Current generation GPU architecture is characterized by an orientation toward the realization of a fixed set of functions defined by the DirectX API. Each new generation API, created with the participation of GPU developers, is an evolutionary improvement over its predecessor. It seems that AMD decided to depart from the accepted model, making the GPU architecture more open and universal.

Instead of models "tied up" to support DirectX, the company offers an increase the role of GPU to process data. And to a greater extent that is provided now via GPGPU mechanisms (using GPUs for general-purpose computing). The new approach has been presented at Fusion Developer Summit.

According to AMD, the future architecture GPU will fully support high level programming languages, including C and C + +. Integrated into the APU Fusion the corresponding blocks will be called "scalar coprocessors."


The architecture of the scalar coprocessor will combine the following elements: MIMD (multiple-instruction multiple-data: many streams of commands, many streams of data), SIMD (single-instruction multiple data, a stream of instructions, a lot of data streams) and SMT (simultaneous multithreading). Model VLIW (very long instruction word, a very long machine instruction) which had been used in several generations of AMD GPU's will no longer be there. No doubt that there will still be support of such API, as DirectX and OpenGL. Game developers can use familiar interfaces and C++ support for general applications. Of course, game developers will be able to go beyond what API models can do. Next generation Fusion GPU and CPU components will share a "truly common space of memory addresses."
READ MORE - Review � AMD GPU will make the "scalar coprocessors"

Review � E FUN opens a new line of tablet: Nextbook Premium 7

E FUN company which began selling in May Next6 tablet for $ 280, has released the first model of a new series of tablets.

Tablet Nextbook Premium 7 features a 7" screen with resolution of 800x480 pixels, which is combined with a capacitive touch panel. The new gadget is powered by single-chip processor Cortex-A8, running at 1 GHz running Android 2.3 OS. In the future it will be possible to update OS over the wireless network. Nextbook Premium 7 includes a Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n adaptor, 512 MB of RAM and 4 GB of flash memory, SD slot, ??USB 2.0, built-in speakers and an accelerometer.

Dimensions of Nextbook Premium 7 are 19 x 13 x 1.2 cm. According to the company one battery charge will be enough for four hours of video playback. Browsing will give you about five hours of work without recharging it. And finally if you only listen to the music it will extend the battery life up to six hours of work. E FUN Nextbook Premium 7 will cost customers about $ 300. Sales have already begun.
READ MORE - Review � E FUN opens a new line of tablet: Nextbook Premium 7

Review � Microsoft and Intel to create Wintel platform for tablets in 2012

Intel and Microsoft are preparing a new platform for the tablets, influencing the producers of tablets in hopes of a successful competition with Apple iPad. It is expected that tablets which may appear in 2012 will be more successful than models featuring �ARM + Android� combination.

Most manufacturers are disappointed with the fact that sales of tablets on ARM + Android were lower than expected. And they are blaming errors in the Android OS on one hand and the attractive image of the brand Apple on the other hand, manufacturers are figuring out options for changing their strategy.
Focusing on the needs of tablets manufacturers Intel and Microsoft recently introduced their plan to create Wintel platform for tablets. The new version of the platform will include the Intel processor with a TDP of less than 5 watts and Microsoft Windows 8 operating system.

It is expected that Intel will set lower prices for the new processors to encourage manufacturers to switch to Microsoft Windows 8 which will leave in the past all the problems with unfinished Android 3.0 and 3.1 OS's.
READ MORE - Review � Microsoft and Intel to create Wintel platform for tablets in 2012

Review � KMI SoftStep KeyWorx allows you to work on a computer using your feet

It is not an ordinary gadget it is rather unusual device produced by Keith McMillen Instruments (KMI) company.

What you see on the picture is new SoftStep KeyWorx keyboard which represents "foot controller with multitouch support." According to the manufacturer, it is the world's first device of its kind.

With SoftStep KeyWorx user receives a new and faster way to work on the computer. The device is compatible with Mac OS and Windows. According to the manufacturer SoftStep KeyWorx will suit everyone who uses the PC: the players, editors, programmers, clerks, as well as users with disabilities. However, the company's website focuses on other area of application: as a MIDI controller.

The device is sensitive to the location and strength of touch. It connects to USB port, which is used for data transmission and power supply for the new gadget. Ten customizable "keys" can be set up to 100 sets of commands, making it easier for the implementation of common tasks. KeyWrx has a blue backlight so that it can be clearly seen even in a dark room under the table. Cursor control and mouse buttons will help users maintain the same position of the hands on the keyboard. It weighs about a pound SoftStep so that the product is suitable for mobile users.

One positive feature of SoftStep that can be noted with confidence is that this device will help avoid blood congestion in customers legs. Sales SoftStep KeyWorx already started at $ 259 on Amazon.

READ MORE - Review � KMI SoftStep KeyWorx allows you to work on a computer using your feet

Review � Elecom Introduces New External Batteries for iPhone 4, Galaxy Smartphones

Review � Elecom Introduces New External Batteries for iPhone 4, Galaxy Smartphones

Elecom has introduced new external batteries in the Japanese market for use with the Apple iPhone 4 and the Samsung Galaxy S smartphones. This just goes to show that there can never be enough power to go around while having smartphones. Having a handy piece of external battery to charge such devices on the go allows available emergency power when needed at all times.

The new Elecom DE-A01L and the DE-U01L Series of external batteries are lithium-ion rechargeable batteries for the iPhone 4 and the Galaxy S. They are high capacity external rechargeable batteries that will come in 3000mAh and 4700mAh versions. Both will come with an easy charge function and can also accommodate other portable USB enabled devices. The new Elecom external batteries is expected to be available by the end of this month in Japan. Prices are set at 7,000 Japanese Yen or around US$87 for the 3,000mAh version and 8,000 Japanese Yen or around US$100 for the 4,700mAh version.

Image Source: Elecom
READ MORE - Review � Elecom Introduces New External Batteries for iPhone 4, Galaxy Smartphones

Apple News � Apple Sends Out Cease and Desist to Startup Using �App Store�

After Amazon, Microsoft, and many others, Apple has filed a Cease and Desist order against a home server software startup that uses the term �App Store.� In response, Amahi temporarily changed it to App Mart, all while asking users for a new name to call their app store.

Of course, you wanted a small company to �fight back,� but they do not have the enough cash to throw away like Amazon did. Besides, Apple has every right to claim that the term �App Store� is their trademark, and Amahi can always change App Mart back to App Store if the court decision goes not in favor of Apple.

Meanwhile, Amahi has come up with a contest for its users to suggest a new phrase to call its App Mart. Currently in the lead is �iStore,� but I don�t think that will be used unless the startup wants more legal headaches. Other suggestions include �App Shop,� �Amahi Store,� �Amahi Market,� and �Appalog.� If you want to join for a chance to win a computer and a pro membership, head over to Amahi.

Source: CrunchGear
READ MORE - Apple News � Apple Sends Out Cease and Desist to Startup Using �App Store�

Review � Sony Ericsson Teases Xperia Ray and Xperia Active Smartphones

Review � Sony Ericsson Teases Xperia Ray and Xperia Active Smartphones

It seems that Sony Ericsson will be dishing out two new Xperia smartphones. Not much is known about the Xperia Ray (pictured) and Xperia Active, except that both will be Android-powered. Sources claim that the Ray could be running with Android 2.3 Gingerbread, while it is hard to tell what version of the OS is on Active.

The Xperia Ray will have a bronze-ish back panel and is just 9.4mm thick. The smartphone will come with Sony�s Bravia Engine technology, which would enhance the resolution of the screen. It can also shoot HD video from its rear-facing camera and it also has a front-facing cam as well. Like the Xperia Play, the Ray will have Facebook Inside Xperia, which lets users utilize the social network from all many of the phone�s apps like the camera app, media player, and the address book.

Meanwhile, the Xperia Active appears to have a very rugged design with its curved, probably rubberized edges. It is likely that the Active is developed to withstand tough environments. The Active comes with a little loop where a key chain or wrist strap can be attach and has a much thicker form than the Ray. It also has a rear-facing camera and comes in four color schemes.

According to Steve Walker, Sony Ericsson�s chief marketing officer, the Ray and Active are expected to be launch on the third quarter of 2011 at a lower price point than the Xperia Play, currently priced at $200 with two-year contract from Verizon. Expect to hear more features about these two smartphones in the coming weeks.

Source: Huffington Post, via MobileCrunch
READ MORE - Review � Sony Ericsson Teases Xperia Ray and Xperia Active Smartphones

Review � MobileCrunch: BlackBerry is Over and Done! � MobileCrunch: BlackBerry is Over and Done!

John Biggs of MobileCrunch has written an doomsday article about how BlackBerry�s days are numbered and will go the way of other mobile platforms that were bought by a bigger company, exist independently for a while, and then get subsumed. The author has listed a number of reasons why it�s over and done for BlackBerry.

�BlackBerries aren�t status symbols,� proclaims Biggs. �They�re the real-world equivalent of the thick, heavy IT-department-assigned business laptop. They�re staid, boring, and unwanted but people are used to them� but that�s about it.�

It won�t be too long, according to him, that people who are originally into BB would begin to support �more popular devices� such as iOS and Android phones. For Biggs, competitors of BB have become stronger and faster that its manufacturer, Research In Motion, has a hard time keeping up. He even includes BlackBerry�s tablet, the PlayBook, as part of its demise because the tablet lacked native e-mail, a feature that is expected on almost every BB device.

Wrapping up, the author describes RIM as a �slave to its own success.�

�They can�t sell anything other than a keyboard-candybar phone in an era where the keyboard is increasingly irrelevant or hidden away until needed� It�s over and now we�re just waiting for the buy-out and inevitable disappearance of one of the greatest mobile companies in modern memory.�

What do you think about BlackBerry�s future? Do you think it is too soon to declare its downfall?

Source: MobileCrunch
READ MORE - Review � MobileCrunch: BlackBerry is Over and Done!

Review � Judge Declines Samsung�s Request to Peek into iPhone 5 and iPad 3

Review � Judge Declines Samsung�s Request to Peek into iPhone 5 and iPad 3

Judge Lucy Koh has rejected Samsung�s request to inspect Apple�s iPhone 5 and iPad 3. In an 11-page document, she explained that while Samsung is entitled to �parity,� requesting for Apple to hand over unreleased and unrevealed products was a bit overreaching.

While the decision sounds good for Apple, the rejection of Samsung�s motion is not permanent because the court may have to wait until the iPhone 5 and iPad 3 become available for inspection before deciding whether or not �consumer confusion� will exist as claimed by Apple. This also means that Apple may not get the preliminary injunction that would have barred Samsung from selling certain products in the United States.

Although Apple may not get the injunction that it wants, it may focus its legal battles against Samsung�s unreleased and unnannounced products that could pose an infringement threat. And the cycle continues.

Source: Phonescoop, via MobileCrunch
READ MORE - Review � Judge Declines Samsung�s Request to Peek into iPhone 5 and iPad 3

Review � Lytro, The Camera Of The Future

Review � Lytro, The Camera Of The Future

Digital cameras of today, even the most advanced models, lets you capture a single shot of a certain image for posterity. But for the camera of the future, it may be possible to take a single shot of that same image and then change the type of focus later on. This can give photographers a means to take a multi-focused image in just a single shot. This type of futuristic camera may now be made possible by the new Lytro.

The Lytro is a camera currently in the works that may enable photographers to capture a more versatile image of sorts. It allows photographers to change the focus of the image after it is taken. The Lytro makes use of a new type of sensor that captures and records the entire light field, or all the light rays present in an entire scene. Current sensors only capture all the light as a single amount of light.

Armed with this feature, the Lytro camera can allow the focal point of a photo to be adjusted according to what a photographer needs through a computer in the same way that images can be adjusted for color, hue or contrast on Photoshop. The Lytro�s sensitive sensor also makes it possible to take photos in very low light conditions and possibly 3D-like images using a single lens. According to the company, the first Lytro camera may be available as a pocket sized device that will be available sometime at the end of the year. They also say that this revolutionary device will be �competitively priced�, whatever that means. For now, you can try and check out some of the images taken using the Lytro camera at their website to see it for yourself.

Image Source: Lytro
READ MORE - Review � Lytro, The Camera Of The Future