Some of you might remember how we reported on a Chinese amusement park that is based (loosely) on World of Warcraft and Starcraft. I suppose it was time that someone made a decent Star Trek theme park, and this one will be in Aqaba, Jordan.
Not that the Star Trek experience at the Las Vegas Hilton wasn�t good, but it was just as expansive as this one. This is Rubicon Group Holding�s Red Sea Astrarium, and RGH and Paramount Recreation plan to turn it into a �multi-sensory 23rd-century experiences, culminating with a state-of-the art space-flight adventure that takes real-time immersive entertainment experiences to bold new heights�.
This resort is expected to be completed sometime within 2014, and it is about 184 acres at an astronomical cost of $1 billion.
I am not certain how in the world this will be an authentic Star Trek set-up. I can see in the mock-up nothing that looks like an icon from the TV show or movies. In fact, one of those areas looks like Naboo from Star Wars. I�m guessing the real business here is going to be from the hotels nearby.
I suppose that we�ll have to wait a few more years to boldly go where no one has gone before, and I�m guessing that it would be logical to say that it probably won�t meet its deadline. Scotty, you have three years!
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