Fastvoip is the latest entry in the voip market, and has really made a buzz in the voip world.
FastVoip offers :
Free Internet Phone calls (free calls between fastvoip users).
Cheap net 2 phone calls : Free international calls, and cheap calls to many destinations.
Very Cheap SMS from internet : all over world.
What's required to make cheap Net to Phone Calls using Fastvoip
1. Fastvoip PC application --> Download Net to Phone software (softphone).If you don't want to make Pc to Phone calls, you can try direct access method. Fastvoip offers local access numbers. We will talk about it later in the post.
2. Internet connection -> to make PC to Phone calls (net to phone).
3. Speaker, and microphone.
How much does it cost to make net to phone calls to India using Fastvoip
Fastvoip offers you the cheapest calling rate to India (at present). The calling rate to India is just 0.7 cents per min (including taxes). These are indeed very cheap calls to India.FastVoip offers cheap net to phone calls to many other countries in the world specially Asian countries. If you are looking for making cheap calls to India, then fastvoip is a good option. For other countries, check out Fastvoip rate list.
FastVoip Local access numbers
Lookup the access number of the country you're calling from, dial the number and start saving! Currently fastvoip provide local access numbers in 60 countries!
For example: you are in Spain. From a local Spanish phone number (starting with 0034) you dial the access number 091-1145221 in Spain.
How it works
1. Dial the local access number
2. Enter your 10-digit card ID. You'll find your card ID on your profile page.
3. Dial the international number.
Fastvoip is a good option to make net to phone calls and is worth trying. Please let us know your feedback on Fastvoip !
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