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Unlimited Calling plans by Truphone : India Included

As the calling rates to various countries are decreasing, voip companies are coming with new plans and offers to attract customers. Among such offer is Unlimited calling package. Earlier voip providers like Pennytel, Nymgo offered such packages but now a others too offer similar unlimited calling packages.

Now the Unlimited deal has shifted towards Mobile Voip. In layman terms, Mobile Voip is just using Voip in your Mobile phone itself. You just need to download some voip software to your mobile phone, you need internet connection(wifi, gprs, edge etc) and then you will be able to make cheap voip calls directly from your mobile. This removes the need to be attached to a computer for making calls. Its simply phone to phone calling similar to your telecom provider but with lot cheaper rates.

Truphone has again proved why it is one of the leaders in Mobile Voip. Truphone has launched Unlimited Calling Package which includes 40 countries around the world. The best part is that India,Pakistan, bangladesh and many more countries are included. This unlimited calling package is on monthly charged basis.

In order to use Truphone you need to download their Voip application. It works great with Wifi and SIP. So, if your country have many hotspots (free wifi zone like USA, Canada) then this application is great for you. With Gprs it works but as the internet speed is poor, you will experience poor voice quality. Most of the Nokia phones, iPhone work (just check if your phone is supported I am sure it will).

Now talking about the newly launched Truphone Unlimited packages.

TruUnlimited (For both landline and Mobile at $40/month).
UNLIMITED CALLS TO MOBILES and LANDLINES in 69 countries (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka included).

* Call mobile to mobile - UNLIMITED!
* Call any time of the day, any day of the week
* No long-term contract
* Call other Truphone users, Skype and Google Talk users for FREE in Wi-Fi

TruUnlimited (For only landline at $17/month).
Unlimited calls to landlines in 38 countries worldwide - plus mobiles in 9 countries
Also includes unlimited calls to mobiles in 9 countries including the US and China as a bonus!

Overall a great deal for Mobile Voip users. And you are getting Cheap calls to India and Pakistan.


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