The Voip has grown really big and this is easily shown by the decreasing call rates to India. Firstly Nymgo, Mediaringtalk started the price war. This was then led by the betamax companies like SmartVoip, ActionVoip. These betamax company SmartVoip is offering less than a cent per minute to India. And now its time for Reliance India Call to join it !
AirtelCallHome first offered 1 cent per call to India. It was obvious that other telecom providers will follow up and this is what has happened.
Reliance India Call, a global calling card provider ( a voip provider) is offering just 1 cent/min to call India.
Reliance India Call obviously needs no introduction, a major Indian MNC (a major telecom provider in India). So you need not to worry that your money is in wrong hands. You will not loose any calling credit by Reliance India Call.
Lets talk about the plan which Reliance India Call is offering to its customers.
Reliance India Call Calling Plans :
- A seven day package. The pack is valid for 7 days only from the date and time of registration.
- Call india at 1 cent/min.
Admistration Cost - $ 3.49
TalkValue - USD 3.50
Talk minutes offered - Local access (350 minutes)
Toll free access (150 minutes)
The catch in this plan offered by Reliance India Call is that effective rate is not 1 cent per minute. You actually have to pay $6.49 for getting 350 minutes. So the effective rate is 1.8 cents/min. The calling cost is still very low as you are getting associated with big voip provider (Reliance India Call), will get good voice quality etc.
One more thing is the pack validity - you get only 7 days to use 350 calling minutes. So better register cautiously so as to get talktime on right time. (Mothers day approaching).
Reliance India Call works like other calling card provider, you have to dial access number to connect to your destination.
Overall a great deal for making Cheap calls to India, cheers to Reliance India Call.
PS: After trying Reliance India Call voip service, please share your reviews about it. It is highly important to us.
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