You know if you have a directionally challenged person on your holiday gift list. They�ve called you on more than one occasion while they�re driving, they�re hopelessly lost and you have to not only figure out where they are but also where they need to be.
I personally have had to do this with a family member and I actually had to go by landmarks, gas stations and national hotel chains in order to figure out where the lost soul was then calculate the route to get where they actually need to be by using Google Maps.
I personally have had to do this with a family member and I actually had to go by landmarks, gas stations and national hotel chains in order to figure out where the lost soul was then calculate the route to get where they actually need to be by using Google Maps.
The perfect gift for this person is an automotive GPS unit. But which one do you choose?
If it were up to me, I would pick one of the models from Tom Tom based upon the new feature they�re offering. In a partnership of sorts with Google, they offer integration with Google Maps with any TomTom GPS unit.
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