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Free International Calling from South Africa

Well, FIFA world cup is here in South Africa and we have voip offers flowing there. So many voip providers have started offering some of the good deals to make free voip calls from South Africa.

IndiaLD (which was offering 0.7 cents per min to India) started their service Callstar so that you can make free international calls from South Africa. Yes you can make free calls to India from South Africa. Below is the mail which I received from IndiaLD officials about Callstar.

Callstar offers free international calling from South Africa to over 50 countries including India. The site is This service is two weeks old now and growing very quickly.

Call Star offers geographic access numbers in Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town. These numbers can be called from landlines or mobile phones. Users pay a local rate to call our access numbers and then get to make a free internatioonal call to 50 countries. When compared to direct dialing India from Telkom, our service is 59% cheaper.

We have not confirmed this directly, but our customers tell us that our access numbers are included in the Telkom Closer 1 and 2 plans which offer free calling during nights and weekends. Even if you are not on a Telkom Closer plan, the cost to call our access numbers is very reasonable and represents a substantial savings over direct dialing international numbers or using a calling card. Peak/Off Peak rates to call our numbers from a Telkom landline are .0157/.0096 ZAR per second, exclusive of VAT.

Unlike some other South African free calling services, our numbers are not 0875 VOIP rated numbers which bill at standard and expensive VAS rates. The additional benefit of using a geographic number is that the call quality is much better than trying an 0875 rated number. We get some very good connection rates and call times, especially to India. In fact, we are using the same carriers as IndiaLD for our calls so you know that the quality is there.

South Africa has a large Indian community and Call Star is a great way for them to stay in touch without spending a lot of money.

Our free calling destinations include India, the UK, the USA, Canada, and China along with 50 other countries. We are in the process of expanding our free calling destinations and will add Bangladesh shortly.


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