I have been receiving lot of mails from people asking about free calls to India. Guys yes, now you don't even have to pay a penny for making calls to India. You can make Free Pc to Phone calls to anywhere in India. If you are looking for making free calls to other destinations (free international calls), tuitalks works equally great.
Many of you must be aware of Tuitalk, an advertisement based voip provider offering free calls to many destinations. Now Tuitalk has included India (landlines + mobile) in their free calling list.
We have seen that people prefer Ad based voip system. Tuitalk is another such voip provider offering totally free international calls in lieu of Advertisement. Once you download the Tuitalk softphone and make calls, first advertisement will be shown on your softphone which actually pays for your call. Tuitalk asks for your personal interest, geographical profiles while registration, based on which ads are shown. Tuitalk system has grown big and lot many advertisers are supporting their network.
With Tuitalk, You can make free international calls to over 40 countries. And yes India is included in this list. Tuitalk offers about 10 minutes of free calls each day (trick being to register with your extended profile). Just download the Tuitalker (Download Tuitalk) and start making free calls.
Each day Tuitalk gives its users 10 min of free calls. Yes you can make free calls to India worth 10 minutes every day. Your account is automatically credited with 10 min every day.
With the launch of free calls to India, Tuitalk is sure to receive lot of new subscribers. Voice quality of Tuitalk is also good (but yes with increasing load on thier network, you may get some disturbance in your call).
Now lets see how you can use Tuitalk to make free calls to India.
1. Register at Tuitalk.
2. Activate your account and remember to fill your extended profile.
3. Now download Tuitalk voip softphone. (A lot call it Tuitalker)
4. Login into Tuitalk softphone. You will see the free minutes.
5. To make calls to India dial (00+country code+number)
eg 0091989XXXXXXX.
6. You will be shown a small advertisement, then your call will be connected.
6. One more thing, the calling minutes are not even rounded off (no one minute rounding). So you get full 10 minutes talktime. Its actually very good..!!
Tuitalk is a very nice and decent calling service, so please don't abuse the system. If you face any problem do post your comments.
I hope now you will be able to make free calls to India and save big bucks.
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